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We are a professional aquarium service and maintenance company with a Showroom. We offer custom aquariums (glass and acrylic), lease packages, fresh/ saltwater fishes, corals, invertebrates, live plants, reverse osmosis / ready made saltwater, frozen fish food. Our concept is to show case our most popular lease tank packages in our Showroom, along with beautiful corals, invertebrates, fresh/saltwater fishes, and live plants our customers will not find in the chain stores. Our goal is to supply our service and lease customers with beautiful, interesting, unique, and healthy aquatic environments for their homes and offices. We always welcome all aquarists to our Showroom, whether they need R/O or ready made saltwater, frozen fish food, or more livestock and plants for their aquarium.




Aquatic World specializes in creating and maintaining beautiful aquariums. We are great at trouble shooting and problem solving. Let us take the worry out of owning an aquarium by having our professional service technician maintain your aquarium monthly or bi-monthly. If you are thinking about purchasing an aquarium, come to our showroom and let us show you what we have to offer for your home, office, or professional space. We have reasonable lease packages that will fit any budget. Check out what we have to offer on are lease aquariums page.





 Aquatic World began as a fish food company known as A and S Aquaculture in 1996. Then we opened a retail storefront on Lincoln Ave. and offered an amazing selection of fish, corals, invertebrates, aquariums, and dry goods. This location grew to a double store front and remained open for 10 years. As the aquarist consumer’s spending habits changed, and they began purchasing most of their dry goods online, we changed our business model. We opened our new location at 2029 W. Belmont Ave. in 2006, and turned our focus to personal in home/ office service and aquarium maintenance. Personal in home/ office service and maintenance is something the internet cannot offer the customer. We primarily cater to: Busy Professionals – people who love their aquariums, but do not have the time to maintain them, Offices – Many Pediatrician, Dentist, Law, etc. benefit from the beauty and tranquility of an aquarium, Professional Spaces – Schools, Hospitals, Dialysis Centers benefit from the educational and soothing calm of an aquarium. In 2003, Aquatic World revolutionized the aquarium industry with the creation of Aquarium Leasing. This offers a business the beauty and tranquility of an aquarium, with the added bonus of a tax write off at tax time. Our showroom offers examples of some the lease packages we have to offer. We invite people to come in so we can share our lease packages and service packages with them.




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